Barstow Standard Stock Bull Ropes | Best Beginner Bull Riding Ropes | 3/4 Lace Leather Handle
SKU 300-S7L
Looking for the perfect bull rope for beginners? The Barstow Standard Stock Bull Rope is expertly crafted with tight, even braiding and durable leather throughout the handhold, block, riser, and stock. Ideal for new bull riders, this rope features a 6.5 ft. loop end and 7.5 ft. tail, ensuring a secure and reliable grip during every ride.
The handhold measures 12.5 inches long with 3 fingers slack, providing ample control and comfort. Each rope comes with sliding keepers on the loop end and a hard tail, with a 3/4 lace leather handle for enhanced durability and performance.
Designed for beginner bull riders, the Barstow Standard Stock Bull Rope is a trusted choice for riders looking for quality and reliability in their bull riding gear.